B.A.D.R. S.A., founded in 1949, is the company with the greatest experience in selling bearings in the entire Romanian industry. Until 1989 it was the only company with that profile in the country.
URB RULMENTI SUCEAVA S.A. was founded in 1983 as a new investment, under the name "Intreprinderea de Rulmenti Suceava", changing its title in 1991, with the object of activity being the design, production and sale of bearings and bearing components: radial ball bearings, tapered bearings, oscillating bearings, cylindrical and special bearings.
BADR URB Rulmenti S.A. resulted from the merger by abrogation of the URB RULMENTI SUCEAVA S.A. Company. by the B.A.D.R S.A. Brasov, merger process completed in the latter part of 2023.